For online payment of property tax (For online payment of property tax)
Select ARO Office as Bellandur
Select Ward Name as Bellandur
Select Street as Haralure Main Road, Haralur
[If you pay before July 31st, you can save 5%. You can pay online only when you have paid it at least once in BBMP office by filling form manually and submitted taxes for last year]
Pest Control (For online payment of property tax)
Select ARO Office as Bellandur
Select Ward Name as Bellandur
Select Street as Haralure Main Road, Haralur
[If you pay before July 31st, you can save 5%. You can pay online only when you have paid it at least once in BBMP office by filling form manually and submitted taxes for last year]
Pest Control
GODREJ HICARE know as ISS HICARE ; ; 91 08
39889988 ; 26536562 ; 65680408; 26781994.